QMap - Info extraction batch processing

Information extraction batch processing is a tool created by us that integrates linear, nonlinear, sample point comparison, sample point mean comparison and other analysis and extraction modules, and uses batch processing methods to process a large number of images. Option for automatic processing of time intervals to achieve the purpose of processing an unlimited number of images. This has the effect of improving the efficiency for the establishment and maintenance of the image database.

Now according to the software function interface, the introduction is as follows:

1. Load plan file

     Insert one or more linear, nonlinear, sample point comparison, sample point mean comparison plan files obtained by experiment into the list. The order of the list determines the processing order for each image.

2. Edit the order of plan files in the list
    Since the processing is carried out in the order from top to bottom in the list, that is, first process an image according to the plan file model in the first row at the top, and then process the same image with the plan file in the second row, and proceed in turn. So, the processing order can be adjusted with the up or down arrow buttons.

3. Save or Load plan set
    The edited list can be saved as a plan set file for classification and reuse, and loaded whenever needed.

4. From folder and To folder
    Click the "From folder" button to select all images and subfolders to be processed. Then click the "To folder" button, select the output image folder, and the system will automatically process the images and folders.

5. Output folder naming format
    For the same group of from files, there will be different processing plans and times, so they must be treated differently. After selecting "To Folder", it is required to select a time format and an additional letter. The specific formats are:
    Year(Y), year month(Y-M), year month day(Y-M-D), year month day hour(Y-M-D-h), year month day hour minute(Y-M-D-hm), year month day hour minute second(Y-M-D-hm).
    Taking "year month day" as an example, a folder such as 2022-05-28 will be created under "To folder" after processing, which contains all the image processing results and reports under "From folder".

6. Select automatic batch processing
    When "Auto" is checked, the set batch can be automatically repeated by year, month, day, hour, minute.

7. Click the "Batch process" button to start the operation.


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