QMap - Edge detect and thin

This unit combines image monochromatic, edge detection, thinning processing, etc. to form a fast and effective thinning processing method. This provides a good one-shot method for image-to-graphics conversion. It brings convenience to the conversion and connection of remote sensing images to geographic information system (GIS). Change the combination parameters to achieve the best processing effect.

Now according to the software function interface, the introduction is as follows:

1. Select image
    Right-click on the image to display the image name in the edit box.

2. Preprocess to monochrome image
    By default, "Preprocess to monochrome image" is selected. Before edge detection and thinning, color images are generally converted into binary monochrome images. When converting a color image to a binary image, the selection of the threshold determines the final processing accuracy.
     The default threshold is 128, which can be changed manually, or you can click the "Get monochrome threshold" button to get the best threshold for the selected image.

3. Edge Detection Algorithm Choice
    The specific algorithms are listed as follows: Robert, Laplace 4, Laplace 8, Sobel, Kirsch, Smoothed, Bottom right, Prewitt, Robinson.

4. Red, green and blue channel selection
    When the image is in color, a channel can be masked. There are two options for the masked channel, that is, select "Unselected channel color set to 0", set the image data of this channel to 0, on the contrary, keep the image data unchanged.

5. Linear thinning
     The purpose of thinning processing is to perform single-connection processing on the graphics to prepare for converting the bitmap graphics in the image into vectors. The default is to select Linear Refinement. After processing, continue to click the "Process" button, the image will be processed in a loop. Click "Restore image" to restore the original image.

6. Save and Load plan
    Click the "Save Plan" button to save the parameters in this unit to a file, and restore the processing parameters through "Load Plan" when necessary.


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