QMap - Sharpen and smooth

Both sharpening and smoothing are common methods of image processing. Since we have adopted the method of separately processing the three channels of red, green and blue, better results can be obtained. At the same time, sharpening and smoothing are combined in one unit for easy operation.

Now according to the software function interface, the introduction is as follows:

1. Sharpen and smooth selection
    By default, the Sharpen process is selected. There are three algorithms to choose from. When "Smooth" is selected, there are also three algorithms to choose from.
     Choose different algorithms to experiment to achieve the best processing effect.

2. Red, green and blue channel selection
    By default, both red, green and blue channels are selected. When the channel is not selected, if "Shield unselected channels" is selected, the color data of this channel will be set to 0, otherwise it will remain the same. "Shield unselected channels" is not selected by default.

3. Intensity selection
    By increasing the "Intensity" factor during processing, the effect can be strengthened or weakened at one time. The default is 1, and the adjustable range is (-20, 20).

4. Test and Process
    After selecting parameters, click the "Test" button to quickly check the effect, and click the "Process" button to complete the processing when you are satisfied.


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